Energy Balancing Ionic Cleanse

Erchonia Ionic Cleanse and Energy Balancing System
The Erchonia Ionic Cleanse is an energy balancing system and a detoxification option for those who want to feel better but are short on time. This advanced ion therapy system ionizes the water in the footbath and sends a small, charged current through the body. The resulting positively charged ions help to improve energy and restore balance throughout the body.
The average Erchonia Ionic Cleansing Treatment session lasts around 20 minutes, yet it can significantly impact health and well-being. In a 2003 random trial, physicians’ muscle strength was evaluated through a computerized range of motion system before and after a 23-minute Erchonia Ionic Cleanse treatment. After the Erchonia session, the physicians’ shoulder abductor, shoulder flexor and hip flexor strength improved as much as 78%.

So how can soaking one’s feet in ionized water improve muscle strength? When the body generates positively charged ions during an Erchonia Ionic Cleanse therapy session, those positive ions neutralize negatively charged toxins within the body. This allows the body to excrete the toxins through the pores of the feet.
Erchonia Ionic Cleanse therapy has been found to effectively relieve pain and joint stiffness, boost the immune system, give you more energy and speed recovery time following injury or surgery. If you think the Erchonia therapy might help you call Sharnowski Wellness Center today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Don Sharnowski. We will explore all the options available to get you feeling better.
The Erchonia Ionic Cleanse Therapy is so beneficial, everyone who comes into the clinic with any type of health issue is strongly encouraged to consider this game-changing therapy. Also, people like it so much and feel so good they book multiple sessions to maintain the benefits of the Ionic Cleanse Therapy.
- Designed and developed to restore the body’s balance and energy levels through exposure to an ion field.
- The EB-Pro™ Ion Therapy Systems are only direct current units to ensure no unwanted power transients or static sounds are passed to the body.
- Average treatment time is 18-23 minutes.
- Healthy individuals often feel more energy and experience a greater feeling of well-being.
- Patients with pain, edema, gout, headaches, and swollen joints have often reported immediate relief.
- Other patients with arthritis, allergies, lymph edema, neuralgia and other symptoms have experienced relief and benefits with multiple treatments.
- Manufactured to ISO standards at Erchonia Medical in McKinney, Texas.